
Music and Band Camps

Are you looking for an enriching experience for your teen to fine-tune their musical talent? Look no further! Our band and music summer camps offer unique opportunities for young musicians to get professional coaching, practice their skills, and collaborate with their peers in performances.

The Camps

Middle School Band
Ages: 11-15 years old

Our Middle School Band Camp continues the tradition of quality-rich band rehearsals and training for young musicians. Musical activities will vary from large rehearsals to master classes, sectionals, and solo competitions. Students will perform under the batons of excellent conductors and work with leading professional musicians from the greater Houston area. Students will give a concert on the last day of camp.

Snacks and water are provided, but students should bring a sack lunch daily. On Thursday, we will host a pizza party.

June 10-13, 2024
Time: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: North Campus
Cost: $30

Register for the Middle School Band Camp
woodwind and brass
Ages: 14-18 years old (incoming high school freshman - seniors)

The High School Woodwind & Brass camp is open to high school-level woodwind players and brass players. Groups will be divided into a woodwind choir and a brass choir. Daily musical activities will include large rehearsals, comprehensive masterclasses, and sectionals all led by some of the finest woodwind and brass musicians in Houston. During the week there will be brief recital performances by the clinicians for inspiration. Our clinicians and artists provide instruction, insight, and inspiration in a welcoming environment for a well-rounded musical experience. On the last day of camp, both choirs will perform a joint concert for families and friends.

Bottled water and snacks will be provided, but students should bring a nutritious lunch each day.

July 15-18, 2024
Time: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: North Campus
Cost: $30

Register for the High School Woodwind and Brass Camp


For more information about our camps, please do not hesitate to reach out!